Danger lurks everywhere in the coldness of space, but QBob will save the day!

Does QBob have what it takes to defeat the evil alien leader?!?
Welcome to QBob's Homepage. QBob is an action-packed arcade game from MoonRock Software Inc. Gameplay in QBob takes place on several asteroid fields in outer space. As government appointed space surveyor, QBob must jump on every section of each asteroid, marking it for demolition, before moving on to the next. Unfortunately for for our hero, We are not alone! Each asteroid is infested with a minions of alien life forms who will stop at nothing to prevent QBob from completing his task and uncovering their secrets!
**NEW!!!** You can now play QBob on your PocketPC PC! That's right, all the excitement and action of the Windows version right in the palm of your hand! The technicians at MoonRock Software, Inc.'s laboratories have ported QBob to the Windows PocketPC platform and have made it available for you to download.
The regular PC version of QBob runs on Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, and Windows XP/2000/NT 3.51 (or higher). The game features high-quality 256-color graphics, all-original music, bizarre sound effects, and first-rate game-play!! One to four players can play on a single machine, battling it out for the top spot on the high score list!
The free trial/shareware version of QBob is now available. Download your copy today, and do your part in helping QBob survey the universe. The trial version contains six game levels. By registering the shareware version, you'll get a full 20 levels of heart-stopping action, including more enemies, more music, and more wacky sci-fi fun!
Check back often for more QBob facts, tidbits, and paraphernalia.